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Best Note-Taking Apps for Students in 2024: Curated Picks - Tool Finder
2025-02-19 06:17Evernote - A more traditional base to take notes with tasks & calendar too. Microsoft OneNote - One of the most common notes apps for students & teachers. GoodNotes 6 - The perfect notes app for visual note-takers & new iPad users. Bear Notes - A lightweight notes app with markdown writing abilities. Notion - One of the most popular tools for ...
2024最新 15 款筆記 App 軟體推薦,上班族或學生都大推! | Pinkoi 設計誌
2022 年最好用的筆記 App 是哪一款?挑選筆記 App 又該注意哪些重點?說到筆記,比起傳統的紙本筆記本,有越來越多人會選擇更便利萬用的「筆記 App」!今天就來推薦大家 2022 年最好用的 15 款筆記 App,不論在工作或課業上,都能帶來很大的幫助!
Notein: Handwriting,Notes,PDFs - Apps on Google Play
About this app. Transform your note-taking with Notein, the ultimate app for efficiency and creativity. Experience low-latency writing, customizable notebooks, and limitless creativity. From detailed artwork to efficient learning, Notein caters to every need, offering AI-driven summaries, comprehensive cloud sync, and more.
21 Best Note Taking Apps For Students In 2024 | Amber
7. Standard Notes. Platforms: Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Web Price: Free for basic features. Upgrade to Core Plan for $29/year. USP: Tagging system to mark notes Rating: 3.0/5 Google Review: "Cross-compatibility is flawless. Firing it up and taking quick notes is super simple, as is the editor." If a secure and private note-taking app is what you're looking for, Standard Notes is ...
The Best Note-Taking Apps for 2024 | PCMag
The very best note-taking app overall, OneNote, is free. The cheapest paid app we reviewed, UpNote, costs less than a dollar per month or $29.99 for a lifetime subscription, though it lacks ...
Goodnotes V.S OneNote 比較:熱門筆記 Apps 全方位評比 #2
Goodnotes 、OneNote可添加嘅非文本元素種類比較. Goonotes 同 OneNote都可以添加圖片同埋幾何圖形,兩個 apps都係只會支援常見既幾何圖形 (包括圓形、直線同埋多邊形)。另外,兩個 apps亦都可以置入 PDF,但只有 Goodnotes可以導入 PDF等單個文件。 3.2 比較文字搜索功能
Notein-Handwriting,Notes,PDFs | AI-Powered Productivity with Notein's ...
The ultimate handwritten note-taking app designed for Android users. From taking notes in class to annotating research PDFs, Notein stands by your side, simplifying tasks and supercharging productivity. With a diverse range of features and tools at your fingertips, Notein empowers you to do more with every note you jot down and every document ...
WeNote: Notes Notepad Notebook - Apps on Google Play
⭐WeNote: Notes, Notebook, To do⭐ is a versatile note-taking app. Quickly create color notes, to-do lists, shopping lists, reminders, and calendars. Users adore WeNote® for organizing their lives, planning work, or keeping study notes. It simplifies note-taking, making it more effortless than other notepad or memo apps.
Part Time 高中英文補習整notes + proofreading | Quality English Education ...
Job Duty. 為補習社整高中英文課堂筆記,當中需要proofread所用物料的grammar,會有基本框架內容提供 需有深厚個人英文根基,至少DSE英文5*或A-level 英文 B,未達要求勿擾 可在家工作,薪酬會以每次每小時數獨立計算,$125/ 每小時,如一份notes 預計完成時間為10小時,則為$1250 網頁工作時數與日子不供 ...
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